March 8, 2020
Jamie and I are home from our most excellent forest bathing on Whidby Island where we also go to commune with the Salish Sea and practice our social distancing. I feel renewed and energized for the next few weeks, because I suspect that things are starting to rev up.
I have posted Dr. Paul Sax's blog post today because he does a wonderful explanation about how we will most likely see a big jump in positive coronavirus tests, not just due to transmission but due to more testing.
Yes, the numbers are and will be alarming, but panicking will not help. The new rallying cry I am hearing from multiple sites is: Flatten the curve! If we can really get people to follow the recommendations, we can slow the epidemic down which will decrease peak burden- if we don't then the healthcare system will be overburdened and unable to care for folks.
Let's wash our hands, avoid non-essential travel, and practice social distancing, which does not mean quarantine. Life goes on: getting out, going for a walk, buying locally, are all safe enough things to do, especially if you wash your hands after wards and keep a good distance from others.
Yes, this is scary and our part is to help each other by slowing transmission.
Brace yourself. As coronavirus disease (COVID-19) occurs at multiple locations around the United States, the number of confirmed cases here is about to increase big time. There are two reasons: New infections More testing Believe it or not, despite statements by certain politicians, COVID-19 tests...